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Tips and Tricks

  • Tips and Tricks

    Setting Default Bank Accounts in Quickbooks

    Quickbooks is a handy tool for keeping your business’s finances under control, but Quickbooks is not a solution; it is a tool. The Accounting Pro is here to help you get a handle on that tool so that you can get a handle on your business’s future.

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  • Tips and Tricks

    Why are the Amounts on my QuickBooks financial statements negative?

    Why are the Amounts on my QuickBooks financial statements negative

    Negative balances are usually cause for concern, especially when it comes to your business. However, before you panic, you will be happy to know that a negative balance doesn’t always mean that you’re in the red.

    There can be several reasons why an account would show a negative balance on a Profit & Loss or Balance Sheet report. In most cases, negative balances should be investigated. Sometimes the negative figure is correct, and in other cases, the negative is due to setup problems within QuickBooks. Read more

  • Tips and Tricks

    Using the Find Functionality

    Using the Find Functionality

    Often times users need to find a transaction but don’t have a lot of information to go on. For example, there could be a transaction on a bank statement with an incomplete notation. The QuickBooks find function allows the user to search for transactions that meet the find criteria. To bring up the find screen, from the main menu, select Edit, then Find. Read more

  • Tips and Tricks

    Preventing Prior Period Changes

    Once you’ve “closed” an accounting period it’s important that no more transactions are dated in the closed period. This could be because tax returns have been filed or financial statements have been sent to your bank. Read more